OCOTC Holds Obedience Trials
We hold at least one trial a year
Many of our members have titled multiple dogs
We are a Not-for-profit and train 100's of dogs a year
Sign up for one of our classes. They start every 9-weeks
Oklahoma City Obedience Training Club (OCOTC) was started in the early 1950's by three ladies who had seen their first obedience trial in Tulsa and decided that Oklahoma City should have this, too. They collected their husbands, dogs and lots of books and went to work.
The first meetings were in a vacant field near what is now NW 39th and Portland and that's where they worked every week for some time. As more people became interested and joined them they moved to the National Guard Armory. Then we held classes at the Animal Resource Center.
Currently, classes are held at the OCOTC Training Center, 6629 NW 23rd, Bethany, Ok.
They started the club and began organizational work and within a year or so they were ready for their first AKC show.
The club has grown to about 100 members and has become involved in many other activities. We now hold two trials per year, spring and fall - have four training nights a week and about 27 instructors. We probably have 600 dogs a year in training from puppy classes to trial classes at all levels.
About Oklahoma City Obedience Training Club..

OCOTC 2024-2025 Board of Directors
President: Karen Allen
Vice President: Jo Ann Weaver
Recording Secretary: Gail Wettstein
Corresponding Secretary: Amy Alden
Treasurer: Paige Graumann
Training Director: Betsy Staton
Patti Cantrell
Susan Curren
Patsy Graumann
Susan McClintick
OCOTC Licensed by AKC for Scent Work Trials
In 2017 OCOTC became the first AKC club in Oklahoma to be licensed to hold AKC Scent Work trials
Our Oct & Nov 2017 Scent Work trials were the first trials in Oklahoma to fully approved by AKC
We invite you to visit us...
We have training classes every weekday night. Except Tuesdays and Holiday weeks. Due to COVID restriction if you stop by please stay outside, knock on the door and wait for someone to answer, we will come outside to great you. Masks are not required but encouraged. So stop by watch, and ask questions of our members!