Obedience Class Schedule
All dogs must be current on vaccinations. Classes and schedules are subject to change due to weather, lack of enrollment and/or at the direction of the Training Director. Dogs coming from another training facility for obedience classes will be evaluated by the Training Director for enrollment in the proper class.
OR.....For mail in registration download form:
Puppy & Beginner form HERE!
Novice and Advanced form HERE!
Therapy Dog form HERE!
Scent work classes HERE
Welcome Message from the Training Director

Puppy Classes - For Dogs 3 to 6 Months ($110.00 + Credit Card Fees) This is a 9-week Class
(The first class is orientation and to meet your instructors, so please DO NOT bring your dog)
The goal of the puppy class is to help you and your new puppy get to know each other and to introduce some obedience concepts to the puppy. A major part of this class is socialization with other people and other dogs. This is done in a class setting where concepts of attention and walking on a leash are introduced. Having a well socialized puppy will pay off when you and the puppy are at someone else's house or when other people are at your house.
Topics: Basic puppy manners(walking on leash, sit, down, stand and come when called), Socialzation, biting, chewing, digging, jumping up, barking and house breaking.
Beginner Classes - For Dogs over 6 Months ($110.00 + Credit Card Fees) This is a 9-week Class
(The first class is orientation and to meet your instructors, so please DO NOT bring your dog)
This class introduces basic obedience concepts(reinforces for puppy class graduates). Topics: Sit, Down, Stays ( Sit Stay, Down Stay, Stand Stay), Sit for Exam, Basic heeling or walking on a loose leash, Come when called, leave it, jumping up, and barking. Additional concepts may be covered time permitting.
Novice Classes - For dogs who pass Beginner Class ($110.00 + Credit Card Fees) This is a 9-week Class
(Please bring your dog to the first class)
Prerequisite is completion of the Beginners Class. Novice is the continuation of what is learned in Beginners and the perfecting of each exercises for not only a reliable obedience dog, but a well mannered pet. New exercises are the Figure 8, the Stand for Exam, and the Finish
Trial Procedures Class ($110.00 + Credit Card Fees) This is a 9-week Class
Prerequisite is Graduation from the Novice class or the trainer has put a CD on a dog. Trial Procedures is a continuation of Beginner and Novice, perfecting the exercises for a CD(Companion Dog) title. Covers the AKC rules for showing in the Novice Classes (Beginner Novice, Preferred Novice Class and Regular Novice Class).
Rally Class ($110.00 + Credit Card Fees) This is a 9-week Class
Prerequisite is Graduation from the Novice class or the trainer has put a CD on a dog. Rally goes over the signs from Novice to Master perfecting the exercises for a Rally title. Covers the AKC rules for showing in Rally.
Beginning Open ($110.00 + Credit Card Fees) This is a 9-week Class
Prerequisite for this class is minimal of two legs towards a CD and /or Preferred CD or completion of a CD and / or Preferred CD. This class teaches the basics for doing the exercises in the Open or Preferred Open Classes at Dog Trials. Works on Command Discrimination, Drop on Recall, Retrieve on Flat and over the high jump and the broad jump. The continuation of off lead heeling.
Advanced Open ($110.00 + Credit Card Fees) This is a 9-week Class
Prerequisites for this class is to have completed the Beginning Open Class. This Class continues the training learned in Beginning Open and covers the AKC rules for showing in the Open and Preferred Open Classes.
Utility ($110.00 + Credit Card Fees) This is a 9-week Class
Prerequisite for this class is to have at least 2 legs towards a CDX and / or Preferred CDX or have a CDX and or PCDX. This class teaches all the exercises necessary to compete in the Utility and Preferred Utility Classes at a trial including the rules for showing in these classes.
Therapy Dog Class ($90.00 + Credit Card Fees) This is a 7-week Class - Offered a couple times a year
Prerequisite for this class is to have graduated from the OCOTC Novice Class, be one year old, and to be able to perform basic commands on a flat buckle collar. Only one dog per handler per the 7 week class session. No special training collars such as pinch, choke or halter are allowed in Therapy class or to do Therapy visits/work.
Scent work Class Level 1 ($125.00 + Credit Card Fees) This is a 5-week Class -
Prerequisite for this class is NO aggressive or reactionary dogs. Dogs need no formal obedience training, but there is no dog-to-dog socialization. Bring lots of very tiny training treats to last the entire class time. Bring your dog, water bowl, leash, collar or harness, No Head halters, muzzles, electronic collars, or choke chains.
Collars Allowed: Flat buckle, Martingale, or a Harness that attaches in the back, may be used. You must maintain control of your dog at all times.
Scent work Class Level 2 ($125.00 + Credit Card Fees) This is a 5-week Class-
Prerequisite-Level 1 Class or coach’s permission. NO aggressive or reactionary dogs. Dogs need no formal obedience training, but there is no dog-to-dog socialization. Bring lots of very tiny training treats to last the entire class time. Bring your dog, water bowl, leash, collar or harness, No Head halters, muzzles, electronic collars, or choke chains.
Collars Allowed: Flat buckle, Martingale, or a Harness that attaches in the back, may be used. You must maintain control of your dog at all times.